Monday, August 31, 2020

sad quote in hindi

भले ही मान लिए हो आपने गुलाब के जैसे ,
काटो जैसे अल्फाज हमारे ,
मोड दिया अपनी जिंदगी को वैसे,
जैसे मर्ज़ी के हमारे ,
जिंदगी तो हमारी भी तड़प रही है ,
नंगे पाओ खडे कडी धूप मे जैसे ,
अब दिल भी बुहार लगा रहा है आपकी ,
उस बारिश की पहली बुंद के जैसे ,
ना हमने सोचा था ,ना आपने सोचा था ,
की इस मोड पर आकर रुक जाएगी कहानी हमारी ,
मंजूर तो दोनों को ही नहीं ,
पर कर रहे है हम अपने दिल की ही मनमानी ,
फीलहाल मायुस तो आप भी है ,और मायुस हम भी है ,
क्यु की मोहब्बत सिर्फ आपको ही नहीं हमे भी है ......


Saturday, August 29, 2020

sad love poetry in hindi

बहुत वक्त हुआ आपसे रूबरु हुए 
बहुत वक्त हुआ नजरे मिलाए, 
बहुत वक्त हुआ यू हाथ थामे,
बहुत वक्त हुआ यू गले लगाए 
यू तो लग रहा है , 
वक्त ही बन बैठा है दुश्मन 
दिया छोड उसने साथ हमारा, 
कही गलती हमारी भी होगी, 
पर अब वक्त को ही कोसे जा रहा है दिल हमारा 
अब तो बस जिंदा है एक दुसरे की यादो मे हम 
पर आपकी झलक देखे बिना, टूट से गए है हम 

- Ishika

Friday, August 28, 2020

love quote in Hindi

कहने को तो हम भी मशहूर है, 
कहने को तो लफ्ज़  हमारे भी अज़ीज़ है, 
पर आपको एक बात बता दे ,
आपकी बेखुदि के सामने तो 
हमारी खूबसूरती भी नाचीज़ है....... 


attitude instagram caption for girls

No need to judge my face..
I m cute and I m the cutest...


Thursday, August 27, 2020

love caption for instagram

you are my life
you are my shine 
because you are mine  


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

love caption for instagram

Wanna be a pearl of your ocean
Wanna your lap as a cushion
Wanna be a seedling of your farm
Wanna deep sleep in your arm

-Ishika wanjari

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Inspirational life poem in english

Problems don't give us invitation card
Thet directly brings dark
When problems knock our door
Everything tastes sour..

We hope for a person
Who will not make our trouble as a fun,
Who will act like a candle
From whom our situation can be handle

In th world pf egoistic people
They only run for getting steeple
We make some expectations from them
But no one help us without gem

So when life serves you trouble
It also will serve pebbles
Which will crash that problems
And brings in life happiness in trouble..

-Ishika wanjari

poem on life in english

 Once a day will come
 When there will be no one
 To give us mercy
To give us sympathy
But why??
Because there will be no money in our pocket
When we don't have any golden locket..
That time we will need them
For help we will call them
But no one will come
Beacause people are always around us
When money with us
And when no money is there
No one will be there

-Ishika wanjari

Monday, August 24, 2020

sad story poem in english

When I accepted???

You said you like me
After few days
You said me,you truely love me
But I did'nt accept it
You said that we can be a good friends also...
I heartly accept it
But what??
I was a fool
I take the situation cool
I was unable to understand your reality
And now
Everyone knows we are in relationship
But I don't know when I accepted it??

-Ishika wanjari

caption for instagram post

Unsatisfaction gives the fire for improvement...
Satisfaction ends up the improvement..

-Ishika wanjari

english short love poem

You are like a running water
Through which I want to flow

You are like a shimmering star
Due to which I want to shine

You are like a nursery school
Where I want to learn

You are like a precious diamond
Which I want to keep in my safebox

You are like pillow
On which I want to take my last breathe

-Ishika wanjari

english love proposal poem

Want to be a participant of your memories
Want to be a pearl of your eyes
Want to imbibe your tears
Want to make you fly like air
Want to make our relation as sweet as sugar, as sour as lime
Want to be with you life time
Want to ride through you
Want to lost in you
Want to be with you like a trinkling water
Want to be your life partner

-Ishika wanjari

sad love poem in english

Sometimes I tried to live without you,
I tried to saw my dreams without you,
Sometimes I tried to fly without you,
Also tried to cry without you,
Sometimes I tried to joyful without you,
Tried to blissfull without you,
But I don't know,
Why I m unable???
I think..
Whole cosmos don't want to see,
My life without you..

-Ishika wanjari

attitude caption for instagrm


Sometimes we found the people who are like ants
they make freindship to the person who can give them sugar 
and repel others who can't..................

-Ishika wanjari

rakshabandhan poem

Who wring my ear
And say me 'I hate you'
But love me the most in the world
He is my brother..

Who can't see me sad
To make me happy
Brings colors on my face
He is my brother..

Who teese me everytime
But wherever i need
Gather that time..

Who makes silly fights with me
Which are world's cutest fights ever
He is my dearest brother...

-Ishika wanjari

love poem in english

When a person says 'I love you' to someone
It means..
He fall in love with your soul
For living his life he will need you whole
He will ask for your sake
Even he is in numerous pain
He will need you as heart beat
He will sigh for your one meet
He will wish for your happiness
Before wishing his happiness
He will be your whole  mate
He will be your soul mate
By kissing on your forehead
He will make your relation as unbreakable thread

- Ishika wanjari

Sunday, August 23, 2020

mystry poem

At a dusk once
I was wandering near the ocean
Was imbibing the beauty of nature
Was looking at the blue sky
Where birds seems to fly
Their whistling makes me spellbound
It was like a sugeriness in their sound
Suddenly some shine arise from far
Something appears,there was a girl
Who was shining like a pearl
She slightly knock me on the back
Gave a precious stone in my hand
I asked her she came from where
She did'nt answered,she smiled
And ran away from there
She go towards the ocean
The shine slowly disappears
And she invisibled in that ocean

-Ishika wanjari

inspirational poem in hindi

खुशी दे जो पल
वो पल हमेशा नहीं होते
खुशी दे वो लोग साथ हमेशा नहीं होते
आने वाला वक्त खुशी दे
एसा हमेशा तो नहीं होता
जीलो यारो आज ही
पूरी करलो अपनी ख्वाहिशो को
भर लो अपनी उड़ानों को
क्यु की हमेशा कल नहीं होता 

-Ishika wanjari

sad hindi poem

क्या लगता है..... 

बस काट रहे है पल पल
इसी उम्मीद में की होगा कल,
क्या लगता है
क्या रुख लेने वाली है जिंदगी हमारी
या थम जाएगी यही राहे हमारी

बस ताक रहे है राह तुम्हारी
जी रहे है पल पल यादो मे तुम्हारी
क्या लगता है
कर पाएंगे हम हमारी कहानी पूरी
या रह जाएगी वही अधुरी. 

-Ishika wanjari

love poem in marathi

तुलाच शोधत आहे मी ..

तुझ्या त्या गोड आवाजाला 
सतत ऐकण्याचा प्रयत्न करत आहे मी 
त्या पाखरांच्या कुजबुजन्यातील पण 
तुझाच आवाज शोधत आहे मी 

तुझ्या त्या गालावरील स्पर्शाचा 
सतत अनुभव घेत आहे मी 
डोळे मिटूनि त्या सडसडनार्‍या वार्‍यातील  पण 
तुझाच स्पर्श शोधत आहे मी 

तुझ्या त्या हसर्‍या चेहर्‍याचा पण 
सतत मनात चित्र बनवत आहे मी 
डोळ्यातल्या अश्रूं मधे पण
तुझाच चेहरा शोधत आहे मी 

तुझ्या त्या जपून ठेवलेल्या आठवणीना 
क्षणोक्षणी आठवत आहे मी 
तुझी वाट बघत जिथे तिथे 
तुलाच शोधत आहे मी 

 -Ishika wanjari

romantic instagram caption

जुबा पर बात है, लेकिन बताना नहीं आता 
क्या करे जनाब 
मोहब्बत तो है, लेकिन जताना नहीं आता 

-Ishika wanjari

Bharat Desh par kawita

भारतीय जवान.. 

ना की फिकर उसने अपने परिवार की ,
ना उस जुजती बुढि माँ की ,
रक्षा कर अपने देश की, 
बली चढा दी अपने जान की.. 

जुज रहा था वो दुष्मनो से, 
फिर भी खडा रहा वो सीना तान के, 
छाती पर झेल गया वो गोलिया, 
मानो कोई पर्वत रोक रहा हों नदीया... 

मौत के कुंए मे कुद गया, 
रखने देश की शान, 
आखरी सांस तक वो कह गया, 
देश मेरा महान.....

-Ishika wanjari

love poem in hindi

आपकी मोहब्बत मे
हम ऐसे उलझ गए
क्या पाना था हमे
हम हमारी मंजिल ही भूल गए

आपकी खुशी मे 
हम यू शामिल होते गए 
क्या थी हमारी खुशी 
हम हमारी खुशी ही भूल गए 

आपकी मुस्कराहट के लिये 
हम अपनी जान न्योछावर करते गए 
आपको चाहते चाहते 
हम अपनी मुस्कराहट ही भूल गए 

आपके मोहब्बत के रास्ते पर 
हम यूही चलते गए 
आपके घने ख़यालों मे 
हम खुद को ही भूल गए 

आपकी झलक देखने के लिये 
हम यू तरसते गए 
पता हि ना चला 
कब आप हमसे बिछड़ गए..... 

-Ishika wanjari

marathi quote

डोळ्यातील अश्रू तुझ्याच नावी, 
ओठांवरील हास्य तुझ्याच नावी, 
चेहर्‍यावरील आनंद तुझ्याच नावी, 
कधी होशील रे तू, 
फक्त आणि फक्त माझ्याच नावी... 

 -Ishika wanjari

मराठी प्रेम कविता

त्या समुद्राच्या किनारी..... 

त्या समुद्राच्या किनारी ......
घेतला होतास तू माझा हाथ तुझ्या हाथी 
बांधल्या होत्यास तू फ़क्त नात्याची नाही तर 
आपल्या मनाच्या गाठी 
म्हणालास होतास तू मला 
'करणार मी तुझे आनंद दुप्पट '
त्या मावळत्या सूर्याची खाऊनि तू शप्पत 
आला होतास तू माझ्या आयुष्यात 
पायावरील येणार्‍या त्या थंडगार समुद्राच्या लाटांसारखा
आणि कळलच नाही 
कधी तू आयुष्यातून निघून गेला 
त्या आकाशात उडत्या ढगां सारखा
तू तर निघून गेलास सोडून मला एकट
किनार्‍यावर या 
त्या ढगात उडत्या पाखरांसारखा
पण जरा एकदा तरी येऊन बघ 
आता पण वाट बघत बसून आहे मी तुझी 
त्याच समुद्राच्या किनारी .....
आता पण वाट बघत बसून आहे मी तुझी 
त्याच समुद्राच्या किनारी............ 

-Ishika wanjari

Thought for Yoga

Mind, Body and Soul
Dedicate to the yoga whole
Boosting your personality will be sour
And it will charm you the more

                         -Ishika Wanjari

love poem

When I meet you
You were the stranger
Now you become my life changer
I sees honesty in your eyes
It was proof you don't lies
We become a good friend
Any of your word don't offend
You slowly make a home into my heart
Now can't live from your apart....


Love Shayri

Na ankhon m asu the
Na dil me khauf tha
Bss Chere pr raunak thi
Q ki sath sirf tumhara tha

Na lafzo pr hichkichahat thi
 Na chehre pr mayusi thi
Bss khushiyon ki bahar thi
Q ki harkat sirf tumhari thi

                         -Ishika Wanjari

love poem in english

You Were There

When I cried, when I was sad
For making me smile, you were there

When I was ill, when I was injured
For lighting my face with happiness, you were there

When I was in stress, When I was in pain
For relieving me from that, you were there

For making my every movement happy by sprinkling flowers on me,
you were there

For making my life such a beautiful experience, by showering glitter on me,
you were there

But I need you now, why are you not there?

                       -Ishika Wanjari

Poem for mothers day


You Made Me

You teach me to smile

Which brings in my life a shine

You teach me to ignore people

Who relish our feelings which are deeper

You teach me to live life

By bringing happiness in other's life

You teach me to enjoy

But not by spoiling other's joy

You made me whole

As a fragrance given to rose

-Ishika Wanjari

Short English Love Poem


Looking at the blue sky

Wating for your fond ray

Wandering to the desolate roads

Looking for your way

Listening to that birds twitter

Finding only your voice

And my heart wants to apprise you

You are my last choice

-Ishika  Wanjari